Top Ten's

Supporting Your Organisation to Succeed!

Helping you Achieve your Goals Quickly & Efficiently – Saving you Time!

A few Top Tip’s

Success through experience, planning and structure with Sage Accounting Software.

Link to Sage 50

Link to Sage 200

Link to Sage 50 Payroll


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Our Top Tips for Using Sage 50

A few tips for Sage 50 users, some you may know about, others, however, may come as a welcome surprise – and if you want to know more of these give us a call or pop us an email.

    1. Remove the Welcome Page: Go to ‘Tools’ > ‘Options’ > ‘View’ tab > ‘Global settings’ and  uncheck the welcome page
    2. Use Bank Feeds: Download live bank transactions to compare with Sage 50 entries and even create the transactions. Saving time on duplication.
    3. Short cut keys: F1 – Help, F2 – displays a calculator, F3 -Opens the edit line when creating Sales/Purchase Orders and Sales Invoices. F3 – Enters the amount automatically when processing a Customer Receipt of Supplier Payment. F4 Opens a quick Reference list of previous text for the field. F5 – if in value field displays a currency calculator, if in a text field run the spell checker. F6 – duplicates the field above, Alt +F6 Duplicates the line above and increments the value. F7 – Inserts a line on data entry screen, F8 deletes a line on data entry screen. F9 – when entering a total amount will calculate the Net and VAT value. F11 – Opens the control Panel, F12 – Opens the Sage Report Designer.
    4. Date Lock Function: Set a lock date to prompt a message that the period is locked for users to enter a transaction prior to set date. (The Manager Logon can override).
    5. Grouped bank transactions: if transactions share the same reference and date these will be grouped together, to amend this option, go to settings>bank defaults> untick group bank transactions.
    6. The ability to Archive Dataset at year end, enabling the removal of historic data from the current company dataset.
    7. Colour display on lists view to aid visibility Tool> Options>Colours
    8. Favourite Reports to be access from main screen without the need to access the individual module reports.
    9. Bespoke Menus: each of the user’s can have access as required.
    10. VAT Reporting, Direct completion of VAT return to HMRC.



    Our Top Tips for Using Sage 200

    A few tips for Sage 200 users, there are so many great features in the software, some of these tips you may already know, others however, may come as a welcome surprise – and if you want to know more of these give us a call or pop us an email.


    1. Bespoke Roles/menu: Tailor menu options to individual team or user for ease of use, via the system administrator.
    2. Customize List Views: Add/remove/rearrange the columns on display. Individual to each user.
    3. Filters and search functions: on List views, create filters to quickly find the data required, either individually or public for all users to share.
    4. Bank Feeds: Link directly to majority of Banks to transfer transactional data from your bank directly into Sage 200, no more duplication of work.
    5. Favourite Options: Create individual users own favourite pages, effectively your own shortcuts to your regular routines.
    6. Backups, automatic backups via SQL: users not having to come out of the system for backups to be created time saving.
    7. Corrections and reversing of transactions made simple: Other users no longer must come out of the program for corrections to be made. Time saving
    8. Full period control: period driven system allowing for between 1 and 20 open periods at a time, giving total financial and operational control enabling informed decisions to be made.
    9. Stock Control: batch and serial number for stock items through the life cycle within the business from supplier to customer. Allowing the business to trace the stock items journey from production to sale,
    10. Purchase Ledger payments: straight forward process, select multiple suppliers with multiple transactions to be paid, once approved, in one quick step, supplier ledger account updated, Bank Account updated, Nominal ledger updated, Remittance advices emailed to Supplier and file created ready for uploading into relevant Bank software.



     Our Top Tips for Using Sage 50 Payroll

    A few tips for Sage 50 Payroll users, payroll is payroll, “it does what it does right?” Yes but, with Sage 50 Payroll there are a number of functions that can make your working life easier. Some of these functions you may already be using, others however may come as a welcome surprise, and if you want to know more of these give us a call or pop us an email

    Legislation compliance: all legislative updates are automatically received and uploaded, never have the worry about is the payroll correct.

    Group Payroll reports: ability to group reports together from various areas within the program to be run in one step. The ability to save each report separately or as one large report.

    Staff Portal: Staff have access to secure Sage payroll portal to receive payslips, P60’s and update their own personal details.

    Nominal Link: Sage 50 Payroll links directly to Sage 50 and Sage 200 to post the payroll journal as required. Eliminating the possibility of errors, saving time and money.

    HMRC: all statutory payments included, automatic calculations.

    Importing/exporting data: employee details, timesheets, company data. Ideal when setting up new payroll from another source.

    Year-end Procedure: Simple year end procedures for completing HMRC reporting and generating P60’s.






    Should any of the above strike a chord and you’d like to know more – Please call us or contact us via email – We’d love to chat!


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