Sage 200 Financials Module
Core financial management and accounting module
Sage 200 Financial Modules
100% real-time financial visibility Sales – Purchasing – Nominal – Cashbook – Invoicing – Fixed Assets.
Sage 200 Financials Modules
This is the core financial management and accounting module that comes as standard with Sage 200 & 200 Extra.
This module enables you to see, in real-time, the financial position of your company. The module runs four key ledgers –
- Sales
- Purchasing
- Nominal
- Cashbook
- (Invoicing)
- (Fixed Assets)
The latest version includes an ‘Invoicing’ section – often negating the need for a separate commercial module, Fixed Assets (a light Asset Tracking section)

Sage 200 Financials Module
What does it include?
The Sage 200 Financials Module includes:
- Web enabled, interactive dashboards and detailed reports for sales, purchases and financial summary, helping you plan and forecast
- Open and closed period accounting that’s flexible for your needs
- Flexible nominal code structure for in depth analysis and reporting
- Batch data upload; place transactions on hold for authorisation before committing them to the Nominal Ledger
- Choose VAT inclusive or exclusive prices for stock control
- Save time with automated statements, standing orders and direct debits. Save time by reconciling bank statements with your banking software
- With Services Extra, you can also seamlessly automate reconciliation of your bank transactions
- Advanced multi-currency options, including exchange rate changes
- Understand the impact to your cash flow as your business changes and improve cash flow by paying invoices straight from the software
- Store unlimited customer and supplier contact details
- Integrates with Sage 50 Payroll to give you one view of all your outgoing costs.
Why K Consultants?
How can we help you?
Why choose K Consultants & Sage?
- Tried, tested and reliable software
- Save time – fast, effective installation and implementation
- Specifically tailored to your business
- Extra efficiency saves you time and money
- In-depth, bespoke training
- We know and understand Sage 200. No one is better equipped to support you through installation and implementation
- We’ve been Sage Consultants since 1998
- Experienced at all levels of business
- In-depth knowledge of the full range of related Sage products
- 100% focus on delivering a world-class service
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